Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 nothing compares to you It's been seven hours and fifteen days since you took your love away I go out every night and sleep all day since you took your love away since you've been gone I can do whatever I want I can see whomever I choose I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant but nothing I said nothing can take away these blues, 'cause nothing compares nothing compares to you It's been so lonely without you here like a bird without a song nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling tell me baby where did I go wrong? I could put my arms round every boy I see but they'd only remind me of you I went to the doctor guess what he told me guess what he told me he said girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do but he's a fool 'cause nothing compares nothing compares to you All the flowers that you planted mother in the backyard all died when you went away I know that living with you, baby, was sometimes hard but I'm willing to give it another try nothing compares nothing compares to you (3x)
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 you made me the thief of your heart I hope you're happy now... ...I could never make you so... you were a hard man... no harder in this world you made me cold and you made me hard and you made me the thief of your heart Winter is cold...oh! But you're colder still and for the first time I feel like you're mine I share you with the one who will mend what falls apart and turn a blind eye to the thief of your heart Ohhh you lost Ohhh you lost all you lost all you lost all I'll never wash these clothes I want to keep the stain Your blood to me is precious nor would I spill it in vain your spirit sings though your lips never part singing only to me the thief of your heart Ohhh you lost Ohhh you lost Ohhh you lost all lost all Ohhh you lost Ohhh you lost all lost all
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Thank you for hearing me Thank you for hearing me Thank you for hearing me Thank you for hearing me Thank you for hearing me Thank you for loving me Thank you for loving me Thank you for loving me Thank you for loving me Thank you for seeing me Thank you for seeing me Thank you for seeing me Thank you for seeing me And for not leaving me And for not leaving me And for not leaving me And for not leaving me Thank you for staying with me Thank you for staying with me Thank you for staying with me Thank you for staying with me Thanks for not hurting me Thanks for not hurting me Thanks for not hurting me Thanks for not hurting me You are gentle with me You are gentle with me You are gentle with me You are gentle with me Thanks for silence with me Thanks for silence with me Thanks for silence with me Thanks for silence with me Thank you for holding me And saying ";I could be"; Thank you for saying ";Baby"; Thank you for holding me Thank you for helping me Thank you for helping me Thank you for helping me Thank you, thank you for helping me Thank you for breaking my heart Thank you for tearing me apart Now I've a strong, strong heart Thank you for breaking my heart
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Leonard Cohen: I'm your man If you want a lover I'll do anything you ask me to And if you want another kind of love I'll wear a mask for you If you want a partner Take my hand Or if you want to strike me down in anger Here I stand I'm your man If you want a boxer I will step into the ring for you And if you want a doctor I'll examine every inch of you If you want a driver Climb inside Or if you want to take me for a ride You know you can I'm your man Ah, the moon's too bright The chain's too tight The beast won't go to sleep I've been running through these promises to you That I made and I could not keep Ah but a man never got a woman back Not by begging on his knees Or I'd crawl to you baby And I'd fall at your feet And I'd howl at your beauty Like a dog in heat And I'd claw at your heart And I'd tear at your sheet I'd say please, please I'm your man And if you've got to sleep A moment on the road I will steer for you And if you want to work the street alone I'll disappear for you If you want a father for your child Or only want to walk with me a while Across the sand I'm your man If you want a lover I'll do anything you ask me to And if you want another kind of love I'll wear a mask for you
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 It was a very good year When I was seventeen It was a very good year It was a very good year for small town girls And soft summer nights We'd hide from the lights On the village green When I was seventeen When I was twenty-one It was a very good year It was a very good year for city girls Who lived up the stair With all that perfumed hair And it came undone When I was twenty-one When I was thirty-five It was a very good year It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls Of independent means We'd ride in limousines Their chauffeurs would drive When I was thirty-five But now the days grow short I'm in the autumn of the year And now I think of my life as vintage wine From fine old kegs From the brim to the dregs And it poured sweet and clear It was a very good year It was a mess of good years
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Sour times To pretend no one can find The fallacies of morning rose Forbidden fruit, hidden eyes Curtises that I despise in me Take a ride, take a shot now Cos nobody loves me Its true Not like you do Covered by the blind belief That fantasies of sinful screens Bear the facts, assume the dye End the vows no need to lie, enjoy Take a ride, take a shot now Cos nobody loves me Its true Not like you do Who oo am I, what and why Cos all I have left is my memories of yesterday Ohh these sour times Cos nobody loves me Its true Not like you do After time the bitter taste Of innocence decent or race Scattered seeds, buried lives Mysteries of our disguise revolve Circumstance will decide .... Cos nobody loves me Its true Not like you do Cos nobody loves me Its true Not like you Nobody loves.. me Its true Not, like, you.. do
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Unfinished Sympathy I know that i've been mad in love before And how it could be with you Really hurt me baby, really hurt me baby How can have a day without a night You're the book that I have opened And now i've got to know much more The curiousness of your potential kiss Has got my mind and body aching Really hurt me baby, really hurt me baby How can you have a day without a night You're the book that I have opened And now I've got to know much more Like a soul without a mind In a body without a heart I'm missing every part
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Nagy László: Ki viszi át a szerelmet? Létem, ha végleg lemerült ki imád tücsök-hegedűt? Lángot ki lehel deres ágra? Ki feszül föl a szivárványra? Lágy hantú mezővé a szikla- csípőket ki öleli sírva? Ki becéz falban megeredt hajakat, verőereket? S dúlt hiteknek kicsoda állít káromkodásból katedrálist? Létem, ha végleg lemerült, ki rettenti a keselyűt? S ki viszi át fogában tartva a Szerelmet a túlsó partra?
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 József Attila: Óda 1 Itt ülök csillámló sziklafalon. Az ifju nyár könnyű szellője, mint egy kedves vacsora melege, száll. Szoktatom szívemet a csendhez. Nem oly nehéz - idesereglik, ami tovatűnt, a fej lehajlik és lecsüng a kéz. Nézem a hegyek sörényét - homlokod fényét villantja minden levél. Az úton senki, senki, látom, hogy meglebbenti szoknyád a szél. És a törékeny lombok alatt látom előrebiccenni hajad, megrezzenni lágy emlőidet és - amint elfut a Szinva-patak - ím újra látom, hogy fakad a kerek fehér köveken, fogaidon a tündér nevetés. 2 Óh mennyire szeretlek téged, ki szóra bírtad egyaránt a szív legmélyebb üregeiben cseleit szövő, fondor magányt s a mindenséget. Ki mint vízesés önnön robajától, elválsz tőlem és halkan futsz tova, míg én, életem csúcsai közt, a távol közelében, zengem, sikoltom, verődve földön és égbolton, hogy szeretlek, te édes mostoha! 3 Szeretlek, mint anyját a gyermek, mint mélyüket a hallgatag vermek, szeretlek, mint a fényt a termek, mint lángot a lélek, test a nyugalmat! Szeretlek, mint élni szeretnek halandók, amíg meg nem halnak. Minden mosolyod, mozdulatod, szavad, őrzöm, mint hulló tárgyakat a föld. Elmémbe, mint a fémbe a savak, ösztöneimmel belemartalak, te kedves, szép alak, lényed ott minden lényeget kitölt. A pillanatok zörögve elvonulnak, de te némán ülsz fülemben. Csillagok gyúlnak és lehullnak, de te megálltál szememben. Ízed, miként a barlangban a csend, számban kihűlve leng s a vizes poháron kezed, rajta a finom erezet, föl-földereng. 4 Óh, hát miféle anyag vagyok én, hogy pillantásod metsz és alakít? Miféle lélek és miféle fény s ámulatra méltó tünemény, hogy bejárhatom a semmiség ködén termékeny tested lankás tájait? S mint megnyílt értelembe az ige, alászállhatok rejtelmeibe!... Vérköreid, miként a rózsabokrok, reszketnek szüntelen. Viszik az örök áramot, hogy orcádon nyíljon ki a szerelem s méhednek áldott gyümölcse legyen. Gyomrod érzékeny talaját a sok gyökerecske át meg át hímezi, finom fonalát csomóba szőve, bontva bogját - hogy nedűid sejtje gyűjtse sok raját s lombos tüdőd szép cserjéi saját dicsőségüket susogják! Az örök anyag boldogan halad benned a belek alagútjain és gazdag életet nyer a salak a buzgó vesék forró kútjain! Hullámzó dombok emelkednek, csillagképek rezegnek benned, tavak mozdulnak, munkálnak gyárak, sürög millió élő állat, bogár, hinár, a kegyetlenség és a jóság; nap süt, homályló északi fény borong - tartalmaidban ott bolyong az öntudatlan örökkévalóság. 5 Mint alvadt vérdarabok, úgy hullnak eléd ezek a szavak. A lét dadog, csak a törvény a tiszta beszéd. De szorgos szerveim, kik újjászülnek napról napra, már fölkészülnek, hogy elnémuljanak. De addig mind kiált - Kit két ezer millió embernek sokaságából kiszemelnek, te egyetlen, te lágy bölcső, erős sír, eleven ágy, fogadj magadba!... (Milyen magas e hajnali ég! Seregek csillognak érceiben. Bántja szemem a nagy fényesség. El vagyok veszve, azt hiszem. Hallom, amint fölöttem csattog, ver a szivem.) 6 (Mellékdal) (Visz a vonat, megyek utánad, talán ma még meg is talállak, talán kihűl e lángoló arc, talán csendesen meg is szólalsz: Csobog a langyos víz, fürödj meg! Ime a kendő, törülközz meg! Sül a hús, enyhítse étvágyad! Ahol én fekszem, az az ágyad.) Egyenlőre
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Paddy's Lament Well it's by the hush, me boys, and sure that's to hold your noise And listen to poor Paddy's sad narration I was by hunger stressed, and in poverty distressed So I took a thought I'd leave the Irish nation Well I sold me ass and cow, my little pigs and sow My little plot of land I soon did part with And me sweetheart Bid McGee, I'm afraid I'll never see For I left her there that morning broken-hearted Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin Well meself and a hundred more, to America sailed o'er Our fortunes to be making we were thinkin' When we got to Yankee land, they put guns into our hands "Paddy, you must go and fight for Lincoln" Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin General Meagher to us he said, if you get shot or lose your head Every murdered soul of youse will get a pension Well in the war lost me leg, they gave me a wooden peg And by soul it is the truth to you I mention Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin Well I think meself in luck, if I get fed on Indianbuck And old Ireland is the country I delight in To the devil, I would say, it's curse Americay For the truth had enough of your hard fightin Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin I wish I was at home I wish I was at home I wish I was at home I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Danny Boy Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side The summer's gone, and all the flowers are falling 'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide But come ye back when summer's in the meadow Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow 'Tis I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so And when you come, and all the flowers are dying If I am dead, as dead I may well be Ye'll come and find a place where I am lying And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me And I shall hear, though soft your tread above me And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be For you will bend and tell me that you love me And I shall rest in peace until you come to me But if I live and should you die for Ireland Let not your dying thoughts be just of me But say a prayer to God for our dearest Island I know He'll hear and help to set her free And I will take your pike and place my dearest And strike a blow, though weak the blow may be Twill help the cause to which your heart was nearest Oh Danny Boy, Oh, Danny boy I love you so. Ma már tényleg nincs több.
Greene Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Remélem minél hamarabb rendbejön a lábad, mert tényleg szörnyű ha az ember nem tud mit kezdeni magával Elsewhere I love the time and inbetween the calm inside me in the space where I can breathe I believe there is a distance I have wandered to touch upon the years of reaching out and reaching in holding out holding in. I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend it as long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand. I know this love is passing time passing through like liquid I am drunk in my desire but I love the way you smile at me I love the way your hands reach out and hold me near.. I believe.. I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend it as long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand. Oh the quiet child awaits the day when she can break free the mold that clings like desperation. Mother can't you see I've got to live my life the way I feel is right for me might not be right for you but it's right for me.. I believe... I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend it as long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand it. I would like to linger here in silence if I choose to would you try to understand...
chipmix Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Összintén, majdnem sírva fakadtam, de csak azért, mert azt hittem, hogy magyarul egy verset sem fogsz írni, de azért köszi, így már rendben
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Igazat megvallva, elég egyszerűek, talán LC kivételével, de őt nem találom a neten, pedig Bródy nagyon szép fordításokat készített. Esetleg majd lejegyzetelem, de értük érdemes szótárazni, vagy megtanulni. For Greene: Kikuchiyo to Mohshimasu Kikuchiyo to mohshimasu Shiroi unaji ni yurete ita Naito kurabu no aoi hi yo Daite odoreba yasashii kata ga Nazeka kanshiku, nazeka kanashiku Furueteta... furueteta Kono mamade itsu made mo Futari sugoshita Akasaka no Kiri no, hoteru no, koi no yoru Moeta anata no itoshi hoho ga Itsuka sahishiku, itsuka sabishiku Nureteita....nureteita Kikuchiyo to mohshimasu Minna wasurete hoshii no to Tatto hito yo de kieta hito Amaku setsunai utsuriga dake o Sotto nokoshiite, sotto nokoshiite Kiri no naka ... kiri no naka Kikochiyo to mohshimasu
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Erre van az MSN! Bocs,de mi köze a kettőnek egymáshoz?
eremit Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 (edited) 10 perc gondolkodás után elárulom a megoldást. u.i. Párbeszédet folytattatok a sok angollal. Edited May 15, 2005 by eremit
chipmix Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Szivesen megtanulnék, angolul, de nem hallom az angolszavak kiejtését, és nagyon helytelenül tudnék csak megtanulni. Lehet, hogy csak úgy, mint Arany János, aki biztos tudjátok, annélkül fordított, hogy beszélt volna angololul. A nyelvtan nekem semmi lenne. Ezért aztán nem is igérgetem, hogy neki kezdek. Bocs, ha ezzel a kis epizóddal elrontottam volna a hangulatotokat.
Shia-ko Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Párbeszédet folytattatok a sok angollal. Honnan tudod? @chipmix Miért rontottad volna el? ha kéred, még össze is foglalom, hogy melyik, miről szól, de az ugye nem adja vissza, mintahogy a józsef Attila verset sem jó összefoglalva olvasni.
Shia-ko Posted May 16, 2005 Author Posted May 16, 2005 Mivel még nem sodort el az elégedetlenkedők hada, és így hátha jut valakibe egy kis kultúra: Nick Cave: Where The Wild Roses Grow They call me The Wild Rose But my name was Elisa Day Why they call me it I do not know For my name was Elisa Day From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one As she stared in my eyes and smiled For her lips were the colour of the roses They grew down the river, all bloody and wild When he knocked on my door and entered the room My trembling subsided in his sure embrace He would be my first man, and with a careful hand He wiped the tears that ran down my face On the second day I brought her a flower She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen I said, 'Do you know where the wild roses grow So sweet and scarlet and free?' On the second day he came with a single rose Said: 'Will you give me your loss and your sorrow?' I nodded my head, as I lied on the bed He said, 'If I show you the roses will you follow?' On the third day he took me to the river He showed me the roses and we kissed And the last thing I heard was a muttered word As he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief As I kissed her goodbye, I said, 'All beauty must die' And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth
Shia-ko Posted May 16, 2005 Author Posted May 16, 2005 ákos : Gondolnék rád Folyton folyik a kampány, Zúdul mindenfelől, Jelszó jelszó hátán. A szavakat hazugok rágják, És várják, hogy majd összedőlnek Az ezredéves bástyák. Ha van még valami tiszta Ezen az elveszett világon, Azt máshol nem találom, Csak a lányom szemében látom. De miért ne gondolnék rád? Miért ne gondolnék rád ezután? Mondd, miért ne gondolnék rád? Hogy hol jársz? Hogy mit csinálsz? Nem is kérded, merre visznek, Merre szédítenek, Akik semmiben sem hisznek. Mást se hallasz tőlük, Csak hogy mennyire jó lesz neked, Aztán mentik majd a bőrük. Ha volt értelme annak, Hogy mindeddig kibírtad, A legszebb versed úgyis A fiad szívébe írtad. Hát miért is gondolnék rád? Miért is gondolnék rád ezután? Mondd, miért is gondolnék rád? Hogy hol jársz, Hogy mit csinálsz? Egy asszony szép szavára Szelídebb ember leszek. A gondot hagyom másra. Engem munka vár a kertben, Amíg egy fát ültetek. A harc alábbhagy bennem. De nem felejtek semmit, És kezdeném is újra, Neved szép betűit Ámor homlokomra írta. Hát miért ne gondolnék rád? Miért ne gondolnék rád ezután? Mondd, miért ne gondolnék rád? Hogy hol jársz? Hogy mit csinálsz? Miért ne gondolnék rád? Miért ne gondolnék rád ezután? Miért ne gondolnék rád ? Hogy hol jársz? Hogy mit csinálsz?
Shia-ko Posted May 16, 2005 Author Posted May 16, 2005 Nem. Ott, hogy érthetően tudunk komunikálni. Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear. She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair. And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?" And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight." We go to a party and everyone turns to see This beautiful lady that's walking around with me. And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?" And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight." I feel wonderful because I see The love light in your eyes. And the wonder of it all Is that you just don't realize how much I love you. It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head, So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed. And then I tell her, as I turn out the light, I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight. Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."
Shia-ko Posted May 16, 2005 Author Posted May 16, 2005 Földes László: Nem lehet két hazád Mindenemet eldobnám, Nevem megváltoztatnám, Megtagadnám aki voltam, Hogy megtaláljam nyugalmam. Lennék kispolgár boldogan Bárhol, ahol béke van. Lennék köztük én az átlag, Kinek az Emberi Jogok járnak. Bújtam, amikor mindenki vonult. Adtam, amikor mindenki koldult. Röhögtek mindenen, én sírtam. Ha nem volt kinek, akkor is írtam. Vesztes lettem, hiába győztem. Senki mellettem, senki mögöttem. Nem fáj a szívem. Rád gondolok. Tudom, a szabadság magányos dolog. Menj vissza, vándor, nem lehet két hazád!
eremit Posted May 16, 2005 Posted May 16, 2005 Tied a hangszóró. Enyém a két pont. Kérdés, hogy hány pont a hangszóró?
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